Get ready for some incredible scientific articles and talks specifically chosen to complement our school's science curriculum. Explore fascinating experiments, mind-boggling discoveries, and captivating facts that will spark your curiosity! 🌌💡




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Year 9

Could you recover from illness... using your own stem cells?

What if diseases could be treated with a patient's own cells, precisely and on demand? Biotech entrepreneur Nabiha Saklayen explains how we could harness advances in biology, machine learning and lasers to create personalized stem cell banks -- and develop medicine uniquely designed for each of our bodies.


Variable Stars

Stars are an important part of the universe, and they considered the “engines” of cosmic evolution, because they create all the elements heavier than hydrogen and helium—the very elements that make up us and the world we live in. While the brightness of most stars appears steady, by using telescopes or even binoculars the brightness of some stars can be seen to change. These are called variable stars. Researching variable stars is important because the information from these stars helps scientists to understand the properties of all stars as well as the nature of the universe. This article will explain what variable stars are, what we can learn from them, and how even non-professionals, including you, can help to collect data on variable stars that might help astronomers to better understand our universe.